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Beautiful Marin County Redwoods! On November 1, 2023, we headed back to Samuel P Taylor State Park in West Marin County for our fourth winter of Camp Hosting there, but first we completed Halloween in Colfax. A Skeleton (AKA Avi) and Cat (AKA me), ready to hit the streets in Colfax. Avi, who had been a vampire princess at school, decided it would never do for trick or treating because the vampire fangs she had bought to complete her costume would not cooperate. She said I had to be in costume to go trick or treating with her so she painted my face and dug into her costume supplies for cat ears (not very visible in this picture), and a tail. Avi takes Halloween very seriously. T-Rex (AKA Ruth) and the Skeleton on Main Street, Colfax. Trick or treating at a very decorated house that has been consistently decorated since Ruth was a child. Looking at the house, RV and little Red Barn before we headed out, November 1. Lost and found and lost and found ...