Trading Redwoods for Pine Trees
After returning from the Grand Canyon adventure we still had a couple of weeks left at Samuel P Taylor State Park as Campground hosts. Our commitment to the park was through the end of April, but because there was no new host scheduled to arrive until July, the park was happy to have us stay as long as we were able. It was our first May in the park and we found the weather beautiful and flowers blooming that we had not seen earlier. We left Camp Taylor on May 28 and headed to our Colfax area home where we would park the RV until June 4 when we headed to Emerald Bay State Park at Lake Tahoe. During that week we went to Napa for an overnight Endowment Board "retreat" and meeting. Rob has been a member of the Conference Claimants' Endowment Board for several years. Their sole purpose is to provide assistance to the Retired Clergy of the California Nevada Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church in a variety of ways including helping to pay for retirees' healt...