
Showing posts from September, 2024

It's off to Europe we go

Here we are ready to begin the next 6 week journey! On an Amtrak connector bus in Colfax.     Sunday morning, September 8, we began an auto, bus, train, auto, plane traverse to Birmingham, England where we would spend two nights with grandson Lukas before heading to Larnca, Cyprus. Youngest daughter Ruth and her fiancĂ© Jody had volunteered to take us to the San Francisco airport, but a few days ahead of our scheduled departure they both tested positive for COVID. We had not seen them since early in August, and we certainly didn't want to expose ourselves to COVID on our way to the airport, so we had to come up with a plan B. A next door neighbor to our Colfax area home graciously took us by car to the Amtrak station in Colfax where we would catch an Amtrak Connector Bus which would take us to the Capitol Corridor Train in Sacramento We disembarked the train in Richmond where grandson Jacob picked us up, and after sharing lunch together he took us on to the airport in San Francisco