
Showing posts from October, 2024

On to New European Adventures

  Our 2:00 A.M. send off in the Larnaka Airport. Rob, me, Sheila, Elisabeth     What was I thinking!?! Scheduling a 4:05 AM flight to Budapest. We were to join our river cruise on the Danube in Budapest on Wednesday, October 2, but wanted to get there early to see a bit of the city before we boarded the ship and to be sure we didn't miss it. Scheduling anything out of Larnaka can be challenging, and as I recall the 4:05 AM flight on Air Serbia, with a stop in Belgrade on the way, was the best prospect for arriving in Budapest at an early enough hour to find our way around. It meant getting up at 1:30 AM - granddaughter Elisabeth didn't bother going to sleep - to make the short drive to the airport with Sheila. Our plane was an hour late taking off, and then 10 minutes out we turned around to return to Larnaka due to technical problems on the plane. We ended up spending the whole day in the Larnaka airport with the scheduling of a replacement flight constantly changing, and our