
Wow! We went to The Bahamas!

Rob, me, and son Scott. Lunch at Marsh Harbor after we arrived on Great Abaco Island, The Bahamas. Monday afternoon, January 27.     While visiting our son Scott and his wife Kristy in Maine in October as they were preparing to head to The Bahamas in their 46 foot catamaran, Soarin' Free, for the winter they casually mentioned that we should join them for a week while they were there. A whole week on a sailboat? The Bahamas? I honestly couldn't have pointed to it on a map in October. It wasn't a destination Rob and I had ever considered, and Rob really doesn't like water.  Our answer to their invitation? Hey, that sounds "out of the box (our box)," let's do it. So off we flew from San Francisco on Sunday, January 26, arriving early afternoon, Monday, January 27. I didn't get as much walking in as I usually do, though Scott and Kristy made sure a shore excursion was on each day's itinerary, but I sure enjoyed some magical times snorkeling, I got in ...